High Tension Cable – Everything You Need to Know

High Tension Cable – Everything You Need to Know

If you have ever come across the term high tension cable and wondered what that means, then you have come to the right place. It may seem like a term that a layman may not or does not need to use. However, these high-tension cables are a part of our lives and surroundings even if we do not know about them, therefore, it is important to learn about them. We will answer some of the frequently asked questions about all that a high-tension cable is, for you.

What is meant by high tension cable?
To understand this, let us first explain what high tension means. The tension here refers to the voltage that is transmitted through the cable and this voltage much higher than the working voltage that home appliances and plug points work on. A high-tension cable is, therefore, one that has high tension or high voltage current running through it.

Why do we need it?
You may have noticed electric wires above-head on your streets. Did you know that these are high tension cables? It’s quite simple how it works. If you know enough about electric power, you may know that higher voltage leads to less loss of energy in the form of heat through the transmission cables. Therefore, high tension cables are apt for transmitting electric power over long distances. There are secondary high tension cables as well. These are used to connect certain parts of appliances that are even found at home, if it has an internal combustion engine, for example, a car, where it is called a spark plug.

READ: High Tension Cable – Myth or Truth?

How to choose the best quality cable?
It is very important that the cables are chosen according to the local laws governing them that put in place after various considerations are considered. A cable should have terminals that can withstand corrosion and so, a good quality high tension cable has a brass terminal that will not corrode easily. As for the length and width of the wire, one must defer to the local laws. Interestingly, the overhead cables are not insulated like the underground cables that are also used for the transmission of a high voltage current.

Are they affordable for me?
Yes, of course, they are affordable! The best quality high tension cable may come at a higher price but most manufacturers provide a guarantee as well as discounts when purchased in bulk. Very often, there are cases where an overhead high tension cable is thought to cause ailments in the people living around them. However, such studies have not found any results. It is, however, important to ensure that the high-tension cable you purchase is apt for your needs. In industrial settings, this is a job done by an engineer with in-depth knowledge about them. At home too, if such a need arises, it is better to approach the experts on this to prevent self-injury while dealing with such high voltages.

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