High Tension Cable – Myth or Truth?

High Tension Cable – Myth or Truth?

It is, of course, inane to human nature to be distrustful of what they do not know or understand. With technology such as a high tension cable that carries electricity, the fear is no different. Electricity is known to have devastating effects if not used carefully and this has been demonstrated in many ways. But the keyword is carefully and with proper understanding. Here, we attempt to bust some myth about some common fears about a high tension cable:

Myth: Living close to these cables are harmful

The most common fear regarding these high voltage cables is that the electromagnetic radiations produced may be carcinogenic to the human DNA. While all studies conducted have either failed due to being improperly conducted or failing to prove the correlation, the fear remains. Therefore, this is only a myth.

Myth: The electromagnetic field produced can kill me

To be honest, you have more chances of dying from a car accident than from being exposed to these cables in your neighborhood. It is true that every electrical appliance, including your mobile phones and microwaves, produce an electromagnetic field. The magnetic field of the earth is far stronger than the magnetic field produced by these lines. An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine noted something important – the earth’s static magnetic field is around 50 µT (microTesla) and the electromagnetic field produced by using an electric razor is even higher, around 60 µT. Both are nearly 1000 times greater than the electromagnetic field produced by the electric current delivered to your residence.

READ: High Tension Cable and Medium Tension Cable – A Simple Guide

Myth: The radiation from these lines can cause cancer

It is not wrong that cancer is caused by radiation however, it is important to understand what kind of radiation as well. Radiations are electromagnetic waves and these are studied on a spectrum that can be divided into ionizing and non-ionizing waves. The ionizing radiations (medium/far UV rays. X-rays and Gamma Rays) are the ones which are of the right frequency and energy to alter our DNA and cause cancer. The non-ionizing radiation is emitted by our mobile phones and their radio frequency, microwaves and these high tension cables. So, no, the radiation from the overhead power lines near you cannot do not cause cancer.

Myth: Radiation from overhead power lines cause leukemia in children.

All studies conducted regarding this have failed to produce any adequate or satisfactory proof that the proximity of high tension cable power lines to your homes cause cancer in people, both children, and adults. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no need to propagate such a myth or believe in it.

It is willful ignorance regarding something as necessary as a high tension cable that spreads fear like wildfire. Therefore, it imperative to first educate oneself before passing on everything we hear. Like with any other force or equipment, with a high tension cable too, it is all about being wise and using them carefully that matters.

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