How Do You Know that You Need a Pulse Oximeter?
Electrical Goods Electronics

How Do You Know that You Need a Pulse Oximeter?

Oxygen is integral to the survival of any human being. As such, it is but important to maintain the level of oxygen in the body for it to function well and survive. To do this, oxygen levels in a person’s body is monitored through the use of a medical device called pulse oximeter. It is the small device attached to the fingernail or the earlobe that will determine the oxygen’s saturation level in the blood. Normal readings are between 95 to 100 percent, below those readings, a person must seek the physician’s medical attention.

In hospitals, a pulse oximeter is normally connected to a TV monitor so doctors can check the status of the person. Although normally used at hospitals, pulse oximeters are fairly easy to use that even people that don’t have any medical background can perform them if they know how to follow instructions. With this, pulse oximeters used at home are made available in the market now. If you want to buy one to monitor you or a family member’s level of blood oxygen, here are some tips that you should know to buy the right one. You should know that there are different types of pulse oximeters. The larger oximeter is used at hospitals. Smaller ones, on the other hand, are used at home and are made portable. They are used for transportation and for people who are engaging in strenuous exercises and people who are at risk of having low levels of oxygen.

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How can you become sure that You Need a Pulse Oximeter?

Pulse Oximeter Devices Used to Determine When Supplemental Oxygen Is Necessary. There are many different individuals with different health conditions that may require them to use supplemental oxygen. Some of these health conditions include asthma, COPD, and other respiratory conditions that may result in supplemental oxygen. Asthma is one of the most common health conditions that affect many individuals. Sometimes a simple physical exercise or physical activity can cause an asthma attack which in turn may either be controlled or cause death in some cases.

One can monitor asthma or specifically the oxygen levels of individuals living with asthma are to use a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that measures pulse rate as well as oxygen saturation in the blood quickly and efficiently. So, let’s say that an individual has asthma and they desire to run in the park for exercise. Make sure that the oximeter is easy and simple to use. You don’t need a very sophisticated device that will only make it hard for you to use it. Choose one that you can easily understand.

The pulse oximeter works in a very easy to understand manner whereby the individual just requires placing their finger simply inside the oximeter device and within seconds they get the reading of their oxygen levels.

From that reading, they are able to determine whether they can continue with their physical exercise or whether they should stop and rest or even in extreme cases resort to supplemental oxygen.

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